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Customer Support > Check-in > Check-in Group Settings

Check-in GROUP settings

These settings override the matching setting on the parent group (or, if that is using an inherited setting, then the next parent group etc., all the way up to the root group, which inherits settings from the Check-in Global Settings). These settings will apply to all child groups and events unless they are specifically overridden in the settings for that group or event.
  • Enable Check-in
This must be ticked for this event to appear on
  • Check-in Profile
This is the profile that will be used for groups assigned to this event. If a specific value is set here, it will override any specifically set or inherited value in the check-in group’s settings. A specific value set here could be overridden by a specific value set for the group on the Check-in Groups tab of the event.
  • Automatically include event group in check-in
By default, the group in which the event was created will be used as the check-in group. You can also manually add additional check-in groups to an event. If you don't want the group in which the event was created to be used as one of the check-in groups for the event, untick this box.
  • Leader term
A leader at an event is a group Leader in the database. Here you can specify the term that will be used on their label e.g. Kids Team Leader, to match your standard terminology.
  • Kiosk background
This image is used as the background on your public check-in kiosks
  • Security mode
When registering a family with multiple children, you can choose to have either the same or a different security code printed on each child label. If the same security code is used for the whole family, only one set of guardian labels is printed and any guardian can collect any child. If different security codes are used for each child, specific matching guardian labels are also printed for each child.
  • Leader password
When a leader is assisting an attendee at a kiosk, they can use the password to perform admin functions such as re-printing labels, viewing the register of those checked-in or absent, or sending emergency SMS messages to guardians. A kiosk will always require a proper Hubb log-in to launch it, so this is just a secondary password to limit access to a few functions once the kiosk is launched. You can give it out to your helpers as you see fit.
  • Open time
When launching a kiosk, the list of check-ins shown only includes open ones by default. So set this to the earliest time you want to be able to launch a kiosk before people start arriving at the event.
  • Close time
The time that check-in will close for each check-in group relative to the event end time. When a check-in closes for a group, no one else will be able to check-in or out of that group at a kiosk, temporary users will be deleted, and the check-in close summary email will be sent.