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Customer Support > Site Structure (groups) > How do I remove options from the drop-down navigation menu?

How do I remove options from the drop-down navigation menu?

Your menu bar navigation is generated from a combination of:
  • Content pages - The group structure you create in the Site Manager area of the Web Office will be reflected in the menu navigation automatically.
  • System pages - These are standard pages that display certain features of the system e.g. homepage, monthly calendar, my area options etc.

Hiding Content pages

Several content areas will have been pre-created with your web site. These are displayed between the Home and My Area options on your menu bar. These content areas can be renamed, deleted, moved or new ones created. For more information about changing the group folder structure see the modifying your site structure user guide.

If you have a group folder that contains content but you wish to hide it from the drop-down menu this can be done by unchecking the 'include in user side menu' option within the 'Access' section, located in the 'Group Settings'  tab of the selected group. Group settings are accessed via the 'cog' icon in the top right corner.

Removing System pages (options under Home, My Area and Shop/Store)

Most of the System pages can be removed from your menu bar navigation by deselecting the options from within the drop-down menu component of your template. Note: you'll need to remove options from all the layouts on your website to make sure it doesn't appear anywhere on your website.

Removing the Address Book

The Address Book is a system page that can't be removed from your web site through the drop-down menu component. The Address Book can be removed by changing the address book policy located under the Settings > User > Address book policy area of the Web Office. For more more detailed information of how to do this refer to the Address Book user guide.